The Tsakos Group (www.tsakoshellas.gr) traces its origins deep in the passage of time, well beyond its almost half a century continuous activity and growth. It’s roots can be found at the heart of the maritime tradition of Greece, in the metropolis of Greek shipping, the Aegean archipelago island of Chios.
For Captain Panagiotis Tsakos, the founder of the Group, going to sea was a natural course, a matter of destiny. Following a generations’ long tradition in shipping, he advanced through the ranks of deck officer until he became a shipmaster and eventually a shipping executive.
It was equally natural for him to lead a small group of investors on to the acquisition of his first ship. Joined by his brother and friends and prompted by his lifetime companion and wife Dr. Irene Saroglou-Tsakos, he led that little company to its current size and diversity. With the active encouragement and support of colleagues and the active involvement of his children Nikolas and Maria, the company was fast expanded sustaining a steady growth through the troughs highs and lows, of the industry.
Tsakos Shipping and Trading S.A. was the first of the companies to comprise what now is known as the “Tsakos Group of Companies“.Over the ensuing years, the Group established a number of affiliated and associated companies around the globe significantly expanding its shipping activities and world-wide operational capability while building a reputation of solid performance in reliable maritime transport services, thereby acquiring a strong reputation within the shipping industry as the preferred partner of choice for a wide range of entrepreneurs. Captain Tsakos’ exceptional drive steered the Group into excellence thus enabling it to grow into one of the largest and most diversified shipping groups in the world.
As the maritime transportation industry was developing into the modern age, the Group gradually adjusting to technologies of the most advanced kind lead the way into the 21st century by broadly expanding its investment base with the addition of thousands of institutional and individual investors through the listing of one of its affiliated Companies, Tsakos Energy Navigation Ltd, at the world’s leading stock exchange in New York and thereby embarking upon a massive newbuilding program.
Further to the shipping core business, the Group has diversified into other investment areas from shipbuilding, ship repair and ferry services to oil exploration and real estate, agriculture, forestry and renewable energy projects along with cultural, educational, philanthropic and charity activities.