It was a magic moment and a critical decision when the three of the most Unique persons, leaders each one its own field, decided to be as one and created a supply service company by the name Medhealth Food Exports. Main target, the service supply.
- Captain Panagiotis Tsakos, one of the ingenious and respected persons in world shipping community
His wise words: “ …the success is outcome of a collective hard work, team ship and continuous sacrifices, initiated by our forefathers, who bequeathed to us the spirit of seamanship and a deep love for, and devotion to the sea…”
- Mr. Aggelos Kritikos, owner ANEDIK Kritikos SM, one of the biggest Greek Super Markets chain
His vision: “…ANEDIK to be a dynamic leader in the quality food business, a company that aims to set standards of excellence for food retailers. To grow up ANEDIK, building a business, in which high standards permeate all aspects of the company.
Quality is a state of mind in all ANEDIK group…”
- Mr. Manolis Kafouros, a Worldwide Ship Supplier
His main target: “…Kafouros supplies company to be, the one of the best world’s premier supplier and distributor of superior quality leading-edge products, for the ship community. Products, designed and manufactured, with the finest of materials and under the strictest of operating standards. Maximizing, the state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities and capitalize on the strategic global supply chain network.
The goal is to satisfy the customers with the best value, high quality products and services, while continuously improving as a company and maintaining compliance with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements…”
The three of them with years of experience in business and supplies, looking the irrational way that supplies are moving, decided to “built” a company with main target, the personalized supply service to each one of the customers who wants to be served.
At Medhealth every instruction we give, every course of action we set, every result we desire, starts with the same thing. A decision.
We are not better connected than everyone else. We don’t have a better work ethic. The only thing we have, is that we are thinking differently about service supply.