Medhealth Food Exports is an all-in provisions company, offering advanced healthy food solutions for the crews of our shipowner customers.
Our foods offers are according the demands of our customers and our monitoring system is aligned with our clients’ budget.
We provide quality, healthy and tasty products. Our effort is to increase the wellbeing of the crew, providing healthier and tastier food. We are always efficient on a cost control.
Medhealth’s main motive, is to reduce costs without compromising on food quality. Optimizing the supply chain and establishing a zero waste policy results in a thrilled staff, a cleaner planet and a profit-efficient supply.
We help our clients economize, provides a food checking system, which allows for precise reporting on previous buyings, the consumptions and the transparent budget control. We increase purchasing power, by reducing the inefficiencies buyings.
Our in-house developed software and reporting package, allows us to assist our customers in keeping their budget on a good level.
We are able, having the experience, to inform our customers with all the detailed reports how they will significantly know the transparency of a ship’s catering budget.
We can help them to make accurate evaluations and assist them in reacting to changes.
Cooperating with a global producers and suppliers network, with significant purchasing power and first quality products, we guarantee the best food provide and prices worldwide. We monitor their current consumption levels and regarding the nationalities of the crew, we supply the correct foods to satisfy them.
Here at Medhealth, knowing our job so well, we pay so much attention into this procedure, signing contracts with our customers and we focus on this personalization food service. We try to reduce the people who are involved in the purchasing on board, as well as in the office. This allows procurement professionals to dedicate their time to issues that have bigger impact, in more profitable things.
With effort in our job, we want to earn the trust of our customers giving them the way of business and the profitable results they expect. We are professionals, we can do a perfect strategy and we give the solutions that make us one of the best provisions service company in the world. And we happen to offer great services.